CCRC WOMENSERVE is made up of the women of Christ Covenant Reformed Church.
We strive to strengthen the body of Christ and to be salt and light to the world around us.

We are united by studying God’s Word, praying for one another, and enjoying times of sweet fellowship. Our intergenerational approach to women’s ministry encourages relationships that span the ages and stages of life.
We long for the Holy Spirit to enable us to become the Christ-like women God has created us to be. Not only do we value every woman, but we also encourage each to use her gifts for the benefit of His church and the community.

Our Mission is to S-E-R-V-E
- SEEK to know God intimately through the study of His Word.
- ENCOURAGE one another in our pursuit of holiness
- REJOICE in the Gospel and the fellowship of believers
- VOLUNTEER to use our gifts to support the body of Christ
- EQUIP each woman to pursue her Spirit-led calling

Bible Study
Our weekly small-group Bible studies encourage our CCRC women to know the one, true, living God intimately as we are transformed more and more into the image of Christ through the truth of His Word. We want to be women who know God’s Word deeply, digging into it verse by verse and book by book. We desire to know the truths of the Reformed faith set forth in Scripture and to be anchored to them “…always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that is in us….” 1 Peter 3:15
Spring of 2025
The Promised One:
Seeing Jesus in Genesis
by Nancy Guthrie
Books will be available on Sundays, in the church lobby. If you would like to sign up for a group, please contact Alicia Bartusch at
Begins the week of January 12th
Fellowship and Hospitality
A hallmark of CCRC is our passion for getting together to celebrate God’s blessings and our love for one another. Times of special fellowship are held throughout the year and are a great way to introduce friends and neighbors to our ministries.
Volunteers welcome visitors by introducing them to CCRC members and providing information about the church, as requested.
New Members
We welcome those who are new to our church by helping them connect with the members and ministries of CCRC.
Young Women
This ministry provides opportunities for young single and married women to grow in their faith through mentorship, Bible study, and fellowship.
New Moms
Mothers of newborns receive meals, support, and encouragement along with a gift for each new covenant child.
Grief and Mercy
Members of this ministry comfort those who are suffering or have lost loved ones by sending cards and coordinating visits and meals as needed.
We minister to members of CCRC who are physically unable to attend church by visiting them and making sure they know that they are a cherished part of our church family.
Community Outreach
CCRC supports the students of The Madonna Learning Center, and we eagerly anticipate future opportunities to serve the community as the Lord leads us.

The Single Sisters of CCRC
Our adult single women of all ages are encouraged to build friendships through fellowship and service opportunities. If you would like to sign up to receive emails about special Single Sisters events, please contact Amy Turner at
Serving one another is a source of joy and a blessing to us when we work in close communion with our Lord. As we seek to exalt Christ’s name through a variety of ministries, we desire to grow in love for each other and for our first love, Jesus.
If you would like more information about CCRC WOMENSERVE, please contact Alicia Bartusch, Women’s Ministry Coordinator, at
Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:1-5

Single Sisters Lunch
Let’s Have Lunch!
Saturday, February 15th
at 11:30 am
Please RSVP by February 10th
For more information, contact Amy Turner at