Christ Covenant Reformed Church is a local body of believers who are part of the physical Church of Jesus Christ “redeemed by Him from every tribe, and language, and people, and nation” (Revelation 5:9). We are brothers and sisters with other churches who follow Christ according to God’s Word. As sinners who have been saved by grace, we welcome all men, women, boys, and girls, through our doors, whether they are fellow Christians seeking to worship with us or neighbors seeking to know more about the powerful, life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hospitality is rooted in the love of Christ, without regard to ethnicity, socio-economic background, or age. CCRC is led by elders and deacons appointed and anointed by God, according to Holy Scripture.

We believe the original manuscripts of the Bible are the inerrant and infallible Word of God. We believe that the holy doctrines of Scripture are most accurately expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and in the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. These doctrines stress the sovereignty of God in all of creation, including our salvation. We acknowledge ourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope save in His sovereign mercy. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of sinners, and rest upon Him alone for our salvation as He is offered in the Gospel.

Worship is our highest priority and follows the directives set forth in Scripture. A Biblical liturgy that involves the entire congregation characterizes our trinitarian worship: joyful, dynamic, beautiful hymns and music of the faith; confession of sin; historic statements of faith, such as the Apostles’ Creed; congregational and pastoral prayers; expository preaching; and regular communion. Biblical worship must be characterized by a reverence recognizing the transcendent majesty and glory of God and by an adoring passion that reflects the ever-present love and grace of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our worship music, traditional in style, includes choir, organ, and piano.

Christ Covenant Reformed Church focuses on the Word of God, worship, and fellowship. Our mission is to become a unified, growing, multi-generational congregation excited to worship and serve our risen King. Evangelism, mercy ministries, and Christian education grow out of our primary purpose of worship.

On September 29, 2021, a group of wandering sheep met to discuss our lack of a church home and decided to form a small house-church.  By the time the first worship service was held on Sunday, October 31, we had outgrown any of our homes, so we met in the clubhouse of the Woodlands Condominiums.  After three Sundays there, our services moved to the cafeteria at the Madonna Learning Center.  The Lord was continuing to add to our number; on January 16, 2022, we held our first business meeting where we affirmed our commitment to the Reformed tradition and adopted a Presbyterian form of church government for our local congregation.  We voted to name the church Christ Covenant Reformed Church and elected a secretary and treasurer.  On January 30, nine men were elected to serve as a temporary leadership team.  The congregation voted unanimously on February 13 to call the Reverend John P. Sartelle, Sr., to be our Senior Minister.  In February a choir was formed, and on March 6, the worship services moved into the gymnasium of Madonna Learning Center, where the Rev. Sartelle led his first worship service as Senior Minister of CCRC.  In October, the Reverend Bryant Hansen accepted a call to be the Assistant Minister at CCRC.  On June 11, 2023, the congregation adopted our Founding Principles, By-Laws, and Statements of Church Polity.

© 2024 Christ Covenant Reformed Church